

Following guides and/or advice on does not guarantee any particular professional, career, or academic outcome. Although the guides are composed of professional advice that may apply to a lot of students, everyone's situation is different. For this reason, always be sure to take time to do research on your own and figure out what is best for you and your situation.

If you are an advice provider, the potential rewards for your advice that are displayed on your dashboard are not guaranteed. For this reason, do not make any speculative or otherwise financial decisions based on the potential rewards displayed on your dashboard. The potential reward is calculated based on a combination of things including the number of approved advice posts a provider has made and the number of views their posts have gotten. The exact value of your potential reward is prone to fluctuate over time. All these statements are especially emphasized during the current, ongoing beta.

Privacy does not personally identify any collected information, period. The only types of data observed are your already-anonymized public IP address (which provide region-level location of a user, e.g. county/district) and time of access. This information is primarily used to better understand which guides need to be updated with priority, assess crashes, and deal with bugs.

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